The primary goal of the youngart online gallery is to connect young talented artists with the art-loving public and bridge the gap between buyers and sellers.

youngart online gallery

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More and more people want to decorate their homes or offices with unique, original paintings, sculptures and other works of art, but are unable or unwilling to spend millions on a masterpiece. The work of young, skilled artists can be a great solution to this need, but they may have problems reaching a buying public alongside their creative work. The site provides a platform that can help both sides to find a solution and help them to do this.

The gallery offers sculptors, painters, photographers and graphic designers with artistic qualifications the opportunity to display and sell their work for sale. Visitors to the youngart online gallery can get to know and support young talent by making a purchase. They can choose from a range of affordable, unique paintings, sculptures, photographs and prints, without having to worry that the artwork they are looking at might be on the next door neighbour's wall.

Plus, who knows what the future holds? It's possible that a masterpiece bought from a young, emerging artist could be worth many times more in the future.

"Relationships, connections, the interrelationship of psyche and external factors are conceptualised in me, using organic forms created by nature. Sensitive systems embodied in rigid steel, which can also be conceived as projection surfaces. Leaf veins, insect wing structures, vascular networks are transformed into tangible, tactile personal spaces. Childhood inspirations and the often absurd realities of adulthood mingle in my forms. Feelings, emotions, moods, concepts and sights that are usually filtered through me and difficult to express in words are my sculptures. They are largely the result of an instinctive, emotion driven creative process."

Nora Szirmai

3 years
#noraszirmai #collection #gallery #youngartgallery